When you relocate, one of the most difficult is to find a really good school where you can enrol your children into. Besides giving our family the best home that you can afford, you would surely want to also give your children the best education, right? You are quite lucky since we have one of the best international schools in Surrey and that would be TASIS England. It stands for The American School In Switzerland. The school's main objective is to really inspire and motivate their students to pursue knowledge. Not only that, they also help students to appreciate beauty and develop a strong character. Our children need to be equipped with the necessary skills and most importantly, values that will definitely help them later in life. Plus, the school is quite near the Heathrow Airport and it is roughly about 40 minutes away from London (by train). There is nothing more that you could ask for. TASIS will take care of your children's education.
Since our families will really spend a lot of time in the home, of course, you would like to really get the best house available. There are a lot of properties available near TASIS England that you can either let or even purchase. You can actually choose from a wide variety of homes from simple flats, apartments, townhouses, detached houses and even mansions. You name it, Surrey has it just for you. All that you have to do is contact an estate agency in the area and they will gladly refer you to an agent who will help you achieve your dream home.
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